personal the kid

Yeah, I Did That

OK, I can’t really take that much credit at this point, but yeah, I did that:


IMG 0406


Its funny, because the baby’s so little at 13 weeks that we still can’t see the sex, which is why we’re still calling him/her Jelly Bean, but there’s already so much personality evident. The Bean’s in the same position in all of these pictures because s/he refused to move. S/he was just so comfy chilling in there that s/he couldn’t be bothered to cooperate. Eventually we just got this:

IMG 0411

No pictures, please!

This kid likes great music (ie the music Claudia and I like), doesn’t mind scary movies and chills like that:

IMG 0412


I’m in exactly the same position right now, except with a laptop. Seriously, just how cool is that?